A little boy
A little girl
And another little boy
I want a little boy first because I want him to be protective over his sister

Ryan Micheal
Direct translation is: Ryan (Little King), Micheal (Who is like our God)
For me Ryan will be like a gift from God,
Coming in at the right time when I am ready to settle down and he brings calm to a busy lifestyle and just wants to be loved.
I love loving. I love having the free space to love and just love without shame. Without absence.
I have been in a couple of relationships where I always felt that I could not love freely,
I was not allowed to care too much.
Or to care at all. It was regarded as too emotional and "not so strong for a man". And Ryan comes at the perfect time where there is a deep yearning in me to love someone fully and just let them be the focus of my love.
Ryan grows up to have a beautiful personality and a big heart. He is God's promise, so it is very evident - the footprints and marks of God's presence in his life. Being the first, Ryan brings with him, beautiful life lessons about authentic love, patience, sacrifice and joy. When he is 5 or 6, Ryan will start suggesting that he would like to have a sibling - a little sister to watch on over. He is of the opinion that he is grown and that he is the second man of the house. It is beautiful to watch.
My daughter, Zoe, pronounced "Dzoay" is named after a Greek word that translated to "life", but not life as we know it, but eternal life, the God kind of life. God's own life. And it is apparent from the onset that Zoe is a remarkable little girl. She is beautiful and resilient. Bringing life to every situation. Ryan is completely smitten by his little sister. Zoe's second name is Lerato, which directly translates "Love" from Sotho and Tswana. Life and Love are apparent in Zoe's life.
Xabiso is my third and last born. My beautiful boy. He is born when his siblings are much older. Ryan in his early twenties and Zoe her early teens. Xabiso also comes in at the right season, when my children are growing into adults and are their journeys are taken them in various directions. His arrival and presence throughout is the glue that brings us back to our values - the value of love and family. He reminds us of the great love we share, the power of God and how incredibly blessed we are to be a family. His siblings are extremely protective of him, and they look after him.
I envision a life of love, abundant love. Filled with family (these immediate 3) and my own family (my siblings, mother, aunties and their families, and koko), and friends - seasoned, smart friends that love Jesus - care for the world and want to make a difference. I envision a life of extreme wealth, no limitations, where I can help whenever, where ever in the world. My life will be impactful in society, and I have worked to rebuild our nation. My heart is pure and the peace of God in Christ reigns over me. I am content. I am happy. I am living the life I have always dreamed of. I get to travel very often, and to interact with people. I get to share Christ and pray for the nations. I get to teach and talk to young people. I get to do research. I get to cook, and be very good at it.