So I'm on what I call the 'winter break'. Don't ask! Me and my craze ideas again.
The rainy winter season setting in, Cape Town ( 17 May 2014), an original by Thabang Molapo |
Growing up, I would always have these craze 'retreat' programmes, the ' 12 days of cleansing ' programme,where I would abstain from doing certain 'things' I would rather not disclose on here. The 'week of gratitude' programme, when I would spend a whole week every month pondering on the things I was grateful for, and attempting to avoid complaining. Needless to say that the worst and most infuriating events would creep in during that week. The devil is a liar! Many more programmes came and went and so I became more aware of myself.
I am grateful for all these experiences.
If there's one thing I do not regret, it would have to be learning to take some time out to myself, just to think. It was during those quiet moments that I discovered my values. I recall going on ice-cream dates with myself at Kfc in Claremont during my first year, during which I would always have to pretend to be busy on my phone whilst in reality I was deep in thought. I figured that this strategy would make me seem 'normal' lest I be accused of talking to myself and being a little 'cray-cray'. How things have changed. Back then I used to eat ice-cream. With every date I discovered myself a little more, my vision for life becoming even clearer. I swear I could touch it at some point. It had become my reality.
I can't say what happened. That doesn't even matter. All that matters is that I am taking the time out to bring myself back to that state of mind, and even further.
After moping around the whole day (today) and watching sad movies in the dark just to make myself feel even worse in my state of self-pity, I decided to get up and clean my room. No, literally! Whenever my room is a mess, I feel like everything else around is a mess. So I got up and cleaned all around. It was during this time that I realised that in the midst of 'everything ' that was happening,
I lost sight of my vision for life.
I forgot why
I came here in the first place.
I had forgotten all
my values and the things once so dear to me.I realised that maybe everything else was falling apart because ... maybe like I said in 09 during my presidential election speech: "
those who stand for nothing fall for anything ", and perhaps
I, now, suddenly stood for nothing.
Over the past few weeks I have been asking myself some tough questions like, do I still believe the same? Do I have values? If I do, why do I continuously act the way I do? After all, as Jim Rohn says, " values have a cost ". Notice that in the paragraph above I highlighted
I and me, this is because
I believe that it is
my fault that I am in the state I am in today
. It is the decisions that
I made that brought me here, the words that
I spoke, all mine
. I had the responsibility to watch over
my heart and mind, over
my friendships and over
my actions. It was all
Only God is responsible for me, even then- His responsibility is limited to to how much of Him
I am willing to embrace. So He holds
me responsible for my joy and success because He has made available to me everything good thing I could ever need to live a glorious life through the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. But, His responsibility is only limited to how much of Him
I am willing to embrace. So then, it follows that it is
my responsibility to embrace Him.
I have decided to work on a 5 year plan. I am trying to keep it simple and specific. Tonight I managed to work of my year 1 plan, which is 2014:
I call 2014 my year of graduation. This of course coincides with my graduation from my undergraduate degree programme which is taking place at the end of the year. But I also believe that this is the year in which I will graduate from childish things to a state of maturity in all parts of my life. Even more so in my spiritual and social life.
The focus for the year is
self development in every respect:
Goals include: Living fully for God and truthfully before Him.Contentment, peace and quietness, living in and for love
HOW? Church, fellowship with the brethren, personal fellowship and knowing the Word for myself.
Goals include: Building good and healthy relationships. Firstly with myself, then with others. Working a bit more on the 'outer man' as well (looking&smelling good)
Getting my licence at end of October 2014
HOW? Taking responsibility for my feelings and acknowledging that the power is in my hands
Rewriting my learners and getting contacts from Phindi about the driving instructor before 15 June 2014 ( setting a reminder on my phone for 11 June 2014)
Goals include: Tithing consistently, saving and giving freely. Valuing time and investing in projects I believe in. Adding value to myself and developing into a rare commodity for any business (organisation).
HOW? Exploiting every opportunity for a scholarship, internship or work experience programme. Applying even when I am not eligible.
Reading and fostering a culture of reading. Taking time to be informed about the world and commerce, this will include reading 2 business news articles per day.
Managing my time well and continuously finding ways of studying and working better. Using up every opportunity at work to acquire more skills.
Applying to be sub-warden next year and being ready for the interviews
Goals include: Taking care of my 'earthly home'. Drinking lots of water, getting enough rest, eating well ( keeping to my diet and meal plans), working out
HOW? Blood-type based diet has proven to have great results to date, being consistent in it and not succumbing to pressures from friends. Drinking lots of water, working out 5 times a week (with Tuesdays being my kickboxing days). Consistency!!!
Goals include: Graduating in 2014, being eligible for honours in 2015 and getting funding for 2015
Putting in the work. Learning as opposed to cramming. Using up the resources, lecture videos, consultations, study groups. Be more than a A+ student, combine theory with reality. Do seen tuts, read!!!!!
This is my action plan. I intend to review my success weekly and to update my goals regularly. In my efforts to be more accountable to myself, I will blog about my progress weekly. I know it will not be easy,but it is more important to me that I attempt to cultivate these good habits than fearing to fail. So I will give it a try.
I had an epiphany during the week, I have had the prestigious honour of tutoring Accounting 1 with the College of Accounting at UCT for my second year now ( how I got the post is another testimony), and I am so excited to find that I am still learning whilst teaching. Comparing how I taught some of the course content last year with this year helped me see that indeed " when we know better, we do better ". So we learn that we may move forward. I guess this is to say that we should not regret any experience we have ever had, despite the pain. With some situations you might just be learning how to smell even better.
This 'winter break' is the equivalent of a social media 'sabbatical'. I'm taking a bit of time off Facebook and Whatsapp to focus on other things and other parts of my life. I would like to take more photos and read a bit more. I would like to have more friendly face to face conversations. To write my exams without distractions. I would like to enjoy my pots, to cook warm meals and welcome people into my home. I wanna take a little time to add more value to myself and in order to do this I'll require a bit of a break from the traffic of social media. I am hoping to be back for the spring, but for the moment, this seems perfect.
I am grateful for these quiet moments. This is my only opportunity to ask myself if I am being truthful and true to what I believe. This is the time I use up to question my motives. This is the time that keeps me.
I hope reading this has helped you as much as the writing brought healing to me.
Yours in making progress
Yours in love more